I find blood in my semen? Is something wrong?

727 views  March 13, 2019

Yes, blood-tinged semen is an indication that something is wrong with your body. According to medical terms, it is a condition called hematospermia which is an indication of many different ailments.

Let us see if it could have happened due to micro tear.

  1. If you are having unprotected sex, make sure your partner is not menstruating or she has not been bleeding due to micro tear of her vaginal or anal tissues. In such cases, you can find blood in your semen, which is nothing to worry about.

  2. If you have developed micro tears on the tip of your penis due to increased friction or if you have used two condoms which can cause greater friction and the resulting heat could rupture your delicate outer skin of your penis leading to micro tear and semen passing through such ruptured skin can pick up blood along the way while it comes gushing out.

  3. If you had used condoms, you could have avoided bloody semen due to above reasons.

However, if you find blood in your semen inside your condom, you can be sure that it must have originated from your body as there are practically no chances of getting it from any external sources.

Let us explore some of the physical conditions that may lead to blood in semen:

Reasons for Bloody Semen:

1.      Urinary Tract Infection: Remember, blood in your semen is a clear symptom of a serious urinary tract infection or bladder infection, which requires immediate medical attention. You may have to consume a course of antibiotics to kill the infection. In such cases, you should drink lot of water, urinate before and after sex and wear condoms compulsorily to prevent infection spreading through mix of bodily fluids.

2·         STDs/STIs: It is found that untreatedSTD/STIis the prime reason for many men (below 40) to ejaculate a bloody semen. Immediate medical attention is required. However, man can still enjoy sex during treatment period by wearing a condom as it can provide the much needed protection so that they can be sure of not infecting their partners through sex.

3·         Prostate Infection / Prostatitis: It is an infection in the male prostate gland, which can cause blood to get mixed up with semen leading to bloody semen. This infection can be treated with antibiotics.

4·         Tuberculosis: If you have had TB ever in your life, there is always a chance for you to find blood in your semen as the bacterial infection can remain dormant in the body for years and show up after few years later. So, in such cases, you have to take immediate medical attention and get yourself a full course TB treatment again.

There can also be other causes for bloody semen. But you need not worry as it is not a life-threatening condition as you can get it rectified by screening your reproductive health completely and take proper treatment with an expert medical officer. The reasons could be

    1. Kidney Stones / Calculi - It is a condition similar to kidney stones. Calculi are small crystalline formations that are passed through the male genitals causing rips and painful bleeding.

    2. Hemorrhoid treatments - Injections to treat internal hemorrhoids can cause temporary bleeding which can get mixed up with your semen. It is only temporary and can stop automatically when the hemorrhoid is cured.

    3. Liver disease - Liver disease due to excessive drinking or other maladies can show up as blood in the semen symptom

    4. Hypertension - Witnessing blood in the semen is also a serious symptom of hypertension. If you are already suffering from hypertension and find blood when you ejaculate, then you need to visit your physician immediately as you may be going through chronic hypertension.

    5. Hemophilia or other bleeding disorder - If you have suffering from any bleeding disorder you can find blood in your semen as blood may not clot after any small injury or skin tear

    6. Urogenital Growth- You may have an abnormal urogenital growth such as a polyp or benign cyst which can cause blood to appear in your ejaculated load. You can try anMRIor ultrasound scanning to identify the growth and take treatment.

    7. After effects of Medication - Some medications have the property to thin your blood and there is a possibility that blood might be thrown out through your passage leading to mixing up with your semen load. Inform your doctor and he might change the course of medicines.

    8. Post Surgical Bleeding - If you had an operation or a biopsy or a prostate biopsy or even a vasectomy recently (within 4 weeks), it is very likely that blood will come through semen. It can be due to post surgical internal bleeding

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