Water Lillies - Sex Position 361

When you both complete an enjoyable lovemaking, there will be tremendous amount of love overflowing towards each other and you both just want to be in each other’s arms and revel in the exciting moments for a while. This is as much sweeter as your orgasm.

Enjoying the aftermath of your lovemaking is equally delightful and in fact, it completes the whole act of lovemaking in the most exciting way and provides intensity for both partners to continue their next session in the same intensity and warmth.

After your intense session, you both can lie on your sides facing each other while you can slightly turn yourself to position yourself above her face. This is the time to plant kisses on her cheeks and lips while complimenting about her wonderful body and sexy looks.

You can tell her how much you enjoyed your time with her in bed and how pleasurable it was for you. This relaxing time will pave a great opportunity for you to strengthen your bond with her.